
Wednesday 22nd February 3:45 - 4:45pm


Rehearsals - in music rooms. Rehearsal timetable is printed and on music department door. Copies are also pinned to House boards. 

Final performance - Sports Hall 

Outline of the event

Each house team can consist of between 5 - 10 participants each. The House team will create a Samba performance lasting 3-4 minutes max in length. The performance must flow from beginning to end and each group will have a designated leader that will direct everyone.

The Samba routine must include:

  • Max 3 minutes long

  • A leader (master drummer)

  • Call & responses

  • Polyrhythm

  • Solos/Breaks

  • Is energetic & imaginative

  • Fast paced and incorporates movement

Instruments available: 3 surdos, 1 x caixa (snare drum), 2 x tambourims, 2 x Agogo, 2 x shakers

Rules and timings

Judges will choose the winning band based on the overall impact of their performance whilst demonstrating samba elements listed below:

  • Flow of the performance - how the group follows the leader and responds.
  • Structure and included elements (call & responses, polyrhtyhm, solos)
  • Movement Attention grabbing - interesting - creative.

3:45 - 4:05 - students rehearse in a location of their choice.

4:05 - 4:10 Houses to take equipment and assemble in the Sports hall.

4:35 - competition element over - take equipment back to music (RHO/LMC based in music rooms to accommodate return of equipment)


Houses will be ranked 1st to 4th place with the following points awarded:

1st = 40 points

2nd = 30 points

3rd = 20 points

4th - 10 points

Rehearsal Timetable

Last year performances