Dear Parents and Guardians,

Your child's all-rounded North London Collegiate School (Singapore) education will not be confined to the classroom and may include off site activities within Singapore, for example, CCAs, museum visits and nature walks.  

This consent does not apply to trips overseas, which will be managed separately and individually.

The safety of students in our care is of paramount concern and we will endeavour to ensure that all reasonable measures necessary to protect the students are observed at all times. Our commitment to our students and parents includes:

  • A risk assessment of each external activity.
  • Sensible deployment of teaching staff, coaches, registered nurses and helpers as appropriate.
  • Briefings for all students on event/trip protocols and schedules.

North London Collegiate School (Singapore) will ensure that processes and procedures are deployed in managing each and every trip/event outside of school. However, from time to time, accidents and illnesses will happen, without anyone being at fault. In this event the accompanying staff will assess the situation, administer any treatment deemed necessary by the qualified first aider or registered nurse and if required, seek further medical attention.

Whilst the school does maintain personal accident insurance for students on trips in Singapore, parents are strongly advised to look into their own health and other insurance policies to ensure that they offer adequate cover for accidents to their children which occur within Singapore and outside the home.

  • I give permission for my child to take part in off site visits, day trips and residential trips, events and activities within Singapore which may be organised by the school as part of their curriculum or which they have chosen or been invited to take part in.
  • I consent to any first aid that may be deemed necessary during the course of a trip with the understanding I will be contacted as soon as possible.
  • I give permission for my child to have over the counter medication (eg. Paracetamol, ointments & creams) as deemed necessary by the registered nurse or first aider.
  • I shall not hold the school responsible for any loss or damage arising from an activity, trip or event, and I shall not hold school responsible for any accident or injury suffered by my child which is not directly caused by the negligence of the school.
  • I understand that it is the responsibility of the parents / legal guardian to notify the trip leader of any changes in the medical/health status of my child prior to any school related events, activities and trips.
I have read and accept the conditions above. *
Child's First Name: *
Child's Last/Family Name: *
Grade: *
Do you have a 2nd child attending NLCS (Singapore)? *
Child 2 First Name: *
Child 2 Last/Family Name: *
Child 2 Grade: *
Do you have a 3rd child attending NLCS (Singapore)? *
Child 3 First Name: *
Child 3 Last/Family Name: *
Child 3 Grade: *
Do you have a 4th child attending NLCS (Singapore)? *
Child 4 First Name: *
Child 4 Last/Family Name: *
Child 4 Grade: *
Do you have a 5th child attending NLCS (Singapore)? *
Child 5 First Name: *
Child 5 Last/Family Name *
Child 5 Grade: *
Parent Name: *
Date: *

Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: