Please complete all information in the following form carefully. We must hold up to date contact information for all students, including at least one Singapore contact number for a parent or guardian on island should we need to reach you in an emergency.

Student Details

Child's First Name *
Child's Last/Family Name *
Grade *
Do you have a 2nd child attending NLCS (Singapore)? *
Child 2 First Name
Child 2 Last/Family Name
Child 2 Grade
Do you have a 3rd child attending NLCS (Singapore)?
Child 3 First Name
Child 3 First Name/Family Name
Child 3 Grade
Do you have a 4th child attending NLCS (Singapore)?
Child 4 First Name
Child 4 Last / Family Name
Child 4 Grade
Do you have a 5th child attending NLCS (Singapore)?
Child 5 First Name
Child 5 Last/Family Name
Child 5 Grade

Student Address in Singapore

Building / block / house # *
Street Name *
Postal Code *
Who does your child / do your children live with in Singapore? *

Parent/Guardian 1 Details - PRIMARY CONTACT

Primary Contact First Name *
Primary Contact Last/Family Name *
Relationship to child *

Parent/Guardian 1 (Primary Contact) Singapore Address

Please confirm your address in Singapore: *
Building / block / house # *
Street Name *
Postal Code *
Country *
Singapore Mobile Phone *
Primary Contact Email *
Occupation *
Employer *

Parent/Guardian 2 Details - SECONDARY CONTACT

Parent / Guardian 2 First Name *
Parent / Guardian 2 Last Name *
Relationship to child *

Parent/Guardian 2 (Secondary Contact) Address

Please confirm your address: *
Building / block / house # *
Street Name *
Postal Code *
Country *
Mobile Phone (including country code) *
Secondary contact email *

Send me a copy of this form

Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: